A Peacock Feather?
Thursday, February 10, 2011
What does a peacock feather have to do with communications consulting?
Since starting my own business, I’ve been asked this question several times. And the answer is, “Well, nothing, really.”
But, a peacock feather carries meaning that symbolizes how Krile Communications approaches business and life.
Creating my own brand identity was an interesting experience. It allowed me to look within to determine how I wanted to portray my business to the world in a visual way. While I had worked with many clients over the years to help them create effective brand identities, doing it for myself was fun, but also a bit scary. And, it was a great exercise to help me understand what my clients experience when I work with them on their brand identities and other materials.
In the end, with the help of an excellent graphic designer, the peacock feather became the visual symbol that represents Krile Communications – and here’s why …
Peacock feathers represent pride. It is my goal that my clients will be proud of the work I do on their behalf, and that I will always take pride in my work for them.
Peacocks are resilient, incorruptible creatures. They can eat poisonous plants and snakes with no ill effects, making their feathers a symbol of incorruptibility. A strong moral compass guides my approach to my career and my life. My code of ethics, which I developed as a project in college, still reflects the way I try to live each day.
The peacock feather symbolizes all-seeing knowledge and the wisdom of the heavens. While I would never profess to be all-seeing, I do have confidence in the knowledge and skills I have developed during the nearly 15 years of professional experiences I have accumulated, and I strive to put these attributes to work for my clients.
Peacock feathers are said to represent kindness, patience and good fortune: I believe it is possible to be successful in business and be kind at the same time. And, I believe that in order to be kind, one must also practice patience.
Some interpret the feather as a symbol of rebirth or a change in life/circumstances. Starting this business has been like a rebirth for me professionally. It is exciting, invigorating and motivating. I get up everyday thinking about how I can do my job for my clients better and more creatively.
Peacocks symbolize the females of the ruling houses, the lineage princesses: Having the opportunity to be a woman-owned business and serve as a mentor for other young women looking to become entrepreneurs is truly a blessing and a responsibility I take very seriously.