Do You Have a Foundation of Good Communication?
We continue to hear rumblings of economic downturns, recessions, and other “doomsday” predictions. While sometimes, the tendency is to hit the panic button and start cutting budgets in preparation for the worst case scenario, one of the things that we find really important is to ensure that our clients are continuing to build upon a foundation of good communication to ensure they can ride out the storm of any economic waves that may come our way.
To do this, consider your communications tactics that have staying power and also don't require expensive advertising expenditures:
Show appreciation for your key customers, partners, donors and vendors: look for opportunities to say “thank you” and demonstrate your gratitude for their support now, and ensure you incorporate this into your key messages and communications tactics throughout the coming months.
Continue or start an e-newsletter that provides valuable, educational, engaging information for key audiences. Make sure you send this out on a regular basis, but do not “spam” people with overcommunication.
Ensure you are consistently and frequently engaging on social media so that you are building your audience and interacting with them regularly NOW so you don’t have to build that base when times get tough.
Be sure you are using the benefits of chamber memberships and other professional organizations to their fullest. Many times we overlook marketing opportunities that we already have paid for by letting those benefits slip by. Review your memberships regularly and ensure you're using content that you have created for other platforms for these opportunities